Saturday, May 19, 2012

Great Galah -- Australia

The Great Galah is the most common of the Australian Cockatoos. Galah Cockatoos are generally seen in large flocks as they search for food. They have distinct Pink and Grey feathers.

                                                                 Painting by Kerrie Thomsen
                                                                         Acrylic on Canvas

Limited Edition Print of Original signed painting by Kerrie. 
Price $77 AUD for USA, Canada, UK, Europe. In Australia $57 AUD.
To buy please use email address 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bowl in Paper Mache

This bowl is made from paper mache and I made it strong with many layers. The design is of lace goanna's with their amazing presence.

Monitor Lizards live in Australia and their are abut 30 species one of which is the Lace Goanna.