Saturday, October 29, 2011

Wet Season Billabongs

                                                       "Wet Season Billabongs"
                                                            Acrylic on Canvas
                                                           by Kerrie Thomsen


"Billabong is an Australian English word meaning a small lake, specifically an oxbow lake, a section of still water adjacent to a river, cut off by a change in the watercourse.Billabongs are usually formed when the path of a creek or river changes, leaving the former branch with a dead end. Billabongs, reflecting the arid Australian climate in which these "dead rivers" are found, fill with water seasonally and are dry for a greater part of the year.

The word is most likely derived from the indigenous Wiradjuri term bilabaƋ. As the lake kept water longer than parts of the river, it was important to the people to name these areas."

Reference: Wikipedia

The Song - Waltzing Matilda ensured the word Billabong was well known.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Floating Poles

                                                                "Floating Poles"
                                               Acrylic on Canvas - by Kerrie Thomsen

Saturday, October 15, 2011

This beautiful Wedgetail Eagle visited our home

This amazing Raptor is only young. He came to our home two days in a row in September 2011 and we have not seen him since. The local Wildlife expert does not believe he is injured in any way and he is young, that is less than 2 years old. Wildlife protector tried to catch him but was not able to. The wedgetail is on his own which means his parents have sent him out into the big wide world because they had a new baby. He is too young to have paired up as yet. Unfortunately his chances of survival on his own are not great. He is probably not really tame just very very hungry and not cautious by nature! Although it is possible he has been handled by a human, he has no tracking device so he has not been in rehabilitation. Good Luck Young Wedgetail Eagle.

Ever been curious about what a symbol means? Or why a certain symbol keeps coming up in your mind?

For example: The symbol of the Comet represents honor, achievement, and hope!

This is a wonderful website by Carl G. Liungman and basically he has studied "the science of communication with signs". He then published his works as a first version of an Encyclopedia on Western ideograms

I find the website so easy to use and a great source of inspiration and answers!

His book is sold by

The Comet and the Owl

Rivers of Life

"Rivers of Life"
for my Dad
Acrylic on Canvas by Kerrie Thomsen

Uluru - a Painting for Darren